Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Iggy Does Madonna!

Ok, everyone knows that the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame is completely lame and almost totally un-rock n' roll. At least I hope you all do. However, once in a while there are some cool moments in their annual induction ceremony. For instance, I thought Dee Dee Ramone's acceptance speech was pretty awesome--"Hi I'm Dee Dee Ramone and I'd like to congratulate myself and thank myself and give myself a big pat on the back. Thank you Dee Dee you're very wonderful I love you." I also liked it when the Clash got in, and when the Sex Pistols sent a hand written note saying they weren't coming, that was pretty cool too.

I just watched this year's thing where the Stooges played a couple Madonna tunes after her induction. Wow. Burning Up was actually pretty good and strangely enough kind of sounded like a Stooges song. Ray of Light, hmm, not so much, but the Ig reciting a few lines from Like a Virgin afterwards was damn funny. Seeing Madonna shaking hands with the Stooges backstage was also pretty funny ("Hi Ron, hi Scott."). And Iggy singing while sitting in Justin Timberlake's lap, oh man.

Now, do I even need to explain to you how lame Justin Timberlake is? If so then you probably shouldn't even be reading this. Like I said, the whole thing is lame. But I'm going to go ahead and assume it was Madonna's idea to have the Stooges there and give her kudos. I mean, I'm sure the Hall people would've much rather had Madonna herself or like Christina Aguilera or Avril Levigne sing some Madonna tunes you know? When I heard that she was getting inducted I'd been thinking, I actually like Madonna but she's NOT rock n' roll, then she gets possibly THE most rock n' roll band EVER to do her tunes! Plus I like the whole Michigan connection thing--"Now I'd like to introduce another asskicker from Michigan!" That was pretty rock n' roll.

What a boring collection of inductees in general though. John Cougar? Leonard Cohen--even if you like him, which I don't, how is that even kind of rock n' roll? And Lou Reed (though I love him) looked like he was going to keel over during his Leonard Cohen induction speech. Kind of depressing to watch actually, I mean his hands were shaking and he's wearing a leather (or possibly pleathur) leisure suit.

But yeah, Iggy did Madonna!

1 comment:

Rock'n'Roll Nightmare said...

That sounds like a great mash-up. Do you have any footage of it? Audio, Pics, Vids? Or know where to find stuff?
